1/10/05 11:23

Simulating dairy liquid waste management options as a nitrogen source for crops

El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el uso de un modelo de simulación relacionado con los parámetros de la fertilización nitrogenada (cantidad, momento, tipo, mineralización) sobre los rendimientos logrados de maíz y la cantidad de nitrato lixiviada debajo de la zona radicular. Los resultados sugieren el uso de varias aplicaciones de baja dosis y conjugada con riego para mejorar los rendimientos del maíz y disminuir las pérdiadas por lixiviación.

G.L. Feng, J. Letey, A.C. Chang and M. Campbell Mathews 
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 110 (2005) 219-229

Large scale dairy operations are common. In many cases the manure is deposited on a paved surface and then removed with a flushing system, after which the solids are separated, the liquid stored in ponds, and eventually the liquid applied on adjacent crop land. Management of liquid manure to maximize the fertilizer value and minimize water quality degradation requires knowledge of the interactive effects of mineralization of organic N (ON) to NH4+, crop uptake of mineral N, and leaching of NO3- on a temporal basis. The purpose of the research was to use the ENVIRO-GRO model to simulate how the amount of applied N, timing of N application, ON mineralization rates, chemical form of N applied, and irrigation uniformity affected (1) yields of corn (Zea mays) in summer and a forage grass in winter in a Mediterranean climate and (2) the amount of NO3- leached below the root zone. This management practice is typical for dairies in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The simulations were conducted for a 10-year period. Steady state conditions, whereby an equivalent amount of N applied in the organic form will be mineralized in a given year, are achieved more rapidly for materials with high mineralization rates. Both timing and total quantity of N application are important in affecting crop yield and potential N leaching. Major conclusions from the simulations are as follows. Frequent low applications are preferred to less frequent higher applications. Increasing the amount of N application increased both the crop yield and the amount of NO3- leached. Increasing irrigation uniformity increased crop yields but had variable effects on the amount of NO3- leached. Awinter forage crop following a summer corn crop effectively reduced the leaching of residual soil N following the corn crop.

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